Friday 23 January 2015

Decks to try in Forgemaster

With the Forgemaster Weekend Warrior just around the corner, we go over some (Note: A LOT) of the top tier, interesting and fun decks that both new and experienced players alike can enjoy.
But what is Forgemaster? It is a Weekend Warrior event that allows you to build a deck out of any card, whether you own them or not, with the normal deckbuilding restrictions of two factions, thirty cards and a maximum of three of each specific card.

Why should you play Forgemaster? Firstly, you get to play with cards and decks you may not have the collection for, and if you're looking to spend some money on the game to build towards a deck you had in mind, this can provide you with a sense of direction. Or you know, have fun, that's always a plus :p

But enough babbling, onto the decks!

Broodqueen Tracker

3 Bramblewood Tracker
3 Dysian Broodqueen
3 Dysian Siphon
1 Howl of Xith
3 Lysian Shard
2 Oros, Deepwood's Chosen
2 Scythe of Chiron
3 Shardbound Invoker
3 Soothsayer Hermit
1 Tangle
3 Thundersaur
3 Weirwood Patriarch

A deck that most people already know about, but is still noteworthy because it teaches many important skills in Solforge (Levelling priorities, creature evaluation) while still being light on the Legendary front, especially given the gazillion or so Thundersaurs floating around at the moment due to the Humble Bundle. Would give it a spin if you're new just to get a feel of it.

Rage of Kadras

Ashurian Flamesculptor
Borean Windweaver
Flame Lance
Flamebreak Invoker
Frostmane Dragon
Lightning Spark
Master of Elements
Stormforged Avatar
Static Shock
Rage of Kadras

If you like raw power at the cost of a slight amount of consistency, this is easily the deck of choice, abusing the Rage of Kadras synergy with Ashurian Flamesculptor's free spell to create massive blowouts to swing boards in your favour. Furthermore, the Burning Rage pre-constructed deck, available from the Solforge web-store, fills in many of the Heroics and Legendaries that you will need to make the deck after the Forgemaster event is over.

Zwax's of Spite, Dragon and Warlords

Scorchmane Dragon
Byzerak Spitemage
Ebonbound Warlord
Uranti Warlord
Frostmane Dragon
Duskmaw, Twilight Drake
Borean Windweaver
Brimstone Tyrant
Howl of Xith
3 Xithian Direhound
Grimgaunt Devourer

A relatively recent list that popped up, this deck doesn't quite aim to blowout your opponent over and over like the Rage deck above, but rather stabilise the board with many AoE effects until your big bombs in Scorchmane Dragon 3 come down to take your opponent by storm. A 'old-school' list, that can still compete in the Set 4.2 metagame, pretty expensive to make though.


Brightsteel Gargoyle
Brightsteel Sentinel
Oratek Explosives
Oratek Battlebrand
Aegis Knight
Borean Windweaver
Brimstone Tyrant
Relic Hunter
Nexus Aeronaut
Frostmane Dragon

A deck chock full of Mobility threats, alongside the Robots package for armour based blowouts, or slapping Oratek Explosives for another. A deck that uses the momentum from blowing out your opponent to expand its board to push for an early victory, but still has enough steam to scale into the late game.

Wegu Lifegain

3 Wegu, the Ancient
3 Duskmaw, Twilight Drake
3 Soothsayer Hermit
3 Oros, Deepwood's Chosen
3 Crypt Conjurer
3 Vyric's Embrace
1 Howl of Xith
3 Dysian Sludge
2 Glowstride Stag
3 Dysian Siphon
2 Scythe of Chiron
1 Tangle  

Utilising powerful threats in Wegu, which can grow out of control even in level one, and Sludge Sea, the deck is high in raw power, but is rather susceptible to variance. Thankfully, Soothsayer Hermit alleviates that, and beating your opponent to death with a giant tree whose bite is worse than its bark is always fun.

Stasis Warden

Ghox, Metamind Paragon
Ironmind Acolyte
Stasis Warden
Energy Surge
Static Shock
Glaceus, Tundra Tyrant
Oratek Battlebrand
Glacial Crush

Probably the closest thing to control at the moment, the deck while extremely difficult to pilot perfectly, can be rewarding (and potentially infuriating for your opponent). Use Stasis Wardens to freeze opposing creatures and protect your Ghoxen and Wardens until the late game comes along and you establish a Stasis lock and win.


Ghox, Metamind Paragon
3 Xithian Direhound
Metamind Explorer
3 Suruzal, Emissary of Varna
3 Ironmind Acolyte
2 Shallow Grave
1 Crypt Conjurer
3 Killion, Infinity Warden
3 Energy Surge
3 Varna's Pact
1 Aetherforge Oracle
2 Soul Harvest
1 Spiritcleave

Solforge's only real 'combo' deck, which aims to level enough cards to be able to draw through your entire deck and generate an infinite amount of plays and use the Crypt Conjurer to kill your opponent. Yeah. Pretty awesome.


3 Borean Windweaver 
3 Bramblewood Tracker 
3 Bron, Wild Tamer
3 Lysian Shard 
3 Roaming Warclaw
3 Shardbound Invoker  
3 Thundersaur
3 Thunderstomp 
3 Uterradon Rex 
3 Uterradon Ridgeback

Dinosaurs! How could you possibly pass up the chance to play Dinosaurs? Trample them! More seriously, you're most likely to win off the back of Tracker or Thundersaur, but Thunderstomp and Bron and pretty good tools as well.

Alright! Now go forth with these eight decks and have a ton of fun, hopefully you enjoy the Forgemaster weekend while it lasts :3

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