Tested in Firefox and Chrome. For best results use Chrome.
Welcome to Battlebranded's Interactive Solforge Card Generator!
The Basics
- Faction and max level can be set in the selection boxes at the top. To edit other properties, simply click on them within the interactive card.
- Cycle through levels by clicking on the additional levels visible to the left or right of the main card.
- Images can be added by entering a direct link to the image in the source box (URL ending in .jpg or .png; click to show). Currently local uploads are not supported. Once an image is added, you can crop it using the zoom buttons ( and ), and by dragging the image within the image box. Click to fit the image to the image box.
- When you are done, click to produce a JPG of your custom design showing all levels. Right click the generated image to copy or save, or choose to change your design.
- Ready to start a new design? Click the refresh button () in the lower right to reset the card generator.
Copy Mode
- By default, changes made on one level are copied to all higher levels (). Other options are copy to none () or copy to all levels (). You can adjust this behavior using the copy mode selection ().
Custom Keywords
- Custom keywords can be added in the table on the right. These will appear blue and underlined in the formatted text box. Use '?' as a placeholder for variable numbers (e.g. Mobility ?).
- Once a keyword has been added to the table, a custom keyword icon can be added by clicking on the icon to the left of the keyword and entering the source link. Icons should be square for best results.
Save and Load Designs
- You can save your design as a formatted text file by choosing in the lower right. You can use this file to load your design at a later time.
- Saved designs can be loaded by selecting . All card details and custom keywords will be restored to their saved state.
Creature -
Creature -
Creature -
Creature -
Custom Keywords
*Use ? for variable numbers, e.g. Mobility ?
Bug report? Suggestion for improvement? Feature request? Leave a comment below or message Caitiri on the ladder or forum.
Upcoming features:
I am currently traveling and unable to work on updates. I still hope to get to these, but it will be some time before I am able to. -Caitiri
- Proper save image button.
- Export to imgur option.
- Better vertical alignment of generated image text in Firefox.
- Support for animated cards (animated gif source image = animated gif generated image). stretch goal
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